Continuing in our series: What is the best business advice you’ve ever received?
Advice: Control is an illusion.
Here’s the big picture:
As entrepreneurs, we think we are in charge. We think we’re so creative and bold and that we make our own opportunities. We think that what we do and how we do it make the business. And you know what? We’re right…Most of the time.
Entrepreneurs have to work their butts off. It is so hard being an entrepreneur, but so rewarding. When you are able to take an idea and make it come to life, sell it, hire people, grow a company and still be able to feed your family and pay your bills, you’re feeling pretty good about yourself, right?
But so much of the control is out of your hands. Yes, we must plan. We must take steps to analyze and think strategically about the future. But many times it’s not enough.
So what is a hard working entrepreneur to do? I once heard someone say: “Plan for the worst, but pray for the best.”
To me, faith comes into play as I build Thirty Five. I can’t put all of my faith in my own abilities, my solutions and my own way. I must trust my team. I must take care of my clients. I must believe that God rewards those that are faithful with the talents, skills and abilities that they have been given. I can’t believe that I’m fully in control. Control is an illusion.
How does this apply to you today?
[image by Ricky Leong]
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